How it all Began...
Sao Tome, “The Chocolate Islands”, was once the leading empire in cocoa trading.
In 1913, Sao Tome was the 2nd largest exporter of cocoa.
Since then, the Sao Tome cocoa industry came to a crashing halt.
Currently, cocoa production is picking up as a formidable way of living for the Sao Tome citizens.
This is where ALMSJEE COCOA COMES in...
ALMSJEE International is an agricultural based company aimed at targeting West Africa's agricultural development needs while teaching and empowering its citizens to learn important farming techniques as means of living.
We currently have projects in Nigeria.
At the core of our company is our mission to help African countries and its people develop economic freedom.
We stumbled unto this opportunity to cultivate cocoa farming in Sao Tome and decided to expand our vision within this island.